Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is Fibonacci Numbers?


The Fibonacci Numbers Are the Numbers Which Exists in Fibonacci Sequence (or) Series.
Then the next question arised in our minds is then "What is Fibonacci Series?".

What is Fibonacci Series?

The Fibonacci Series is nothing but the Certain ratios of Number series that regarded as describing the natural proportions of things in the universe.

Why this number series is named as Fibonacci Series?

This number series was first observed by Leonardo Fibonacci the Italian Mathematician Who lived in thirteenth century.So this ratios of number series is named as Fibonacci Series.

What are all the numbers in Fibonacci Number Series?

The Fibonacci Number Series : 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377...................................

How This Number Series Derived?

This number series is derived by starting number with 1 followed by 2 adding 1+2 =3 the third number is three 3 .then 2+3=5 the fourth number is 5 then 3+5=8 the 5th number is 8 then 8+5=13 the sixth number is 13 like that its goes on.


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